Friday, July 9, 2010

Module 3

The Power of Web 2.0. I bring up my iGoogle home page and note the SMH Headlines as they are one of my Gadgets. I discover that there has been a "Stoning verdict outcry"....An Iranian woman will not be stoned to death for adultery, after her lawyer's blog posts sparked a global campaign to save her life.
This very pertinent piece of world news is very easy to add direct from my Blogger Gadget, on my iGoogle page.
It is also possible to arrange my weekend knowing that it will be fine 16 deg on Sat and a cloudy 14 deg Sun. I have fed Rodney Rodent who is now happily spinning in his wheel. My Horoscope affirms that I am a wonderfully intelligent and good looking person who is about to have great luck bestowed upon me (this is not verbatim merely my interpretation). My stocks are trading down this morning.

I will publish this now but will need to edit it later and include my progress on the Google Doc that my 12 year old son had edited.

Google Docs is a similar arrangement to having a server with shared folders, anyone with access to the folder/document can call it up and make changes (or view it depending on the permissions granted.)

Google Docs would be easier to administer to a wider range of people without the need for them to VPN into a shared server. My 12 year old has used Google Docs for a school project where, in their groups, each person was responsible for one part of a final presentation. It was easy for each person to log in and make their own additions. He was also a co-conspirator in changes to my 2 documents.

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