Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Module 4

I have technical issues with Flickr and will need to re-visit this module at a later date.

Now that these issues have been resolved I have completed my playing in Flickr. Photos can be manipulated, rotated etc. I was able to upload photos and even create a slideshow, . (although I am not sure if this will work in that format.) Back to my earlier views i am still not comfortable having my personal images stored on someone else's computer even though i can restrict their access.

It is a great place to get free photos to use as 'anonymous' examples.

The sharing of photos through Facebook seems to be a more common way for people to stay in touch and be a part of each others lives. In Facebook the photo sharing is a bi-product of the social networking. With Flickr you can achieve the same photo sharing experience without having to share all the associated personal information.

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